Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Max Lucado says "Outlive Your Life"

Matthew 16:25 "For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Let me start off simply by saying that self-help books make me sick. The focus on 'self' as the ultimate object of our affection and focus is not only sad, but is ultimately against scriptural teaching.

In my opinion, the market for "Me Improved" books has swelled to a point past saturation and the last thing the world needs is a new 5-step program towards "You're Best Life Now."

Thankfully, this book fits into a completely different category. One that the World can benefit from.

Lucado, using the Book of Acts as his outline, draws parallels between ways in which we, today, can follow the example of the Church fathers and be apart of Christ's movement in the world.

The book gives specific ways in which we can "deny [ourselves] and take up [our] cross[es] daily" with discussion and application questions in the back for each chapter in the book.

I would recommend this book to Christians that are losing heart and are having difficulty seeing significance in the work, service, or lives that they are living.

1 comment:

  1. I really loved Outlive Your Life and found it very inspirational! I'm sharing a copy with a friend today! I also wrote a review of it here: http://fablefreak.wordpress.com
