Friday, September 4, 2009

Book Review "Real Church"

Real Church. Does it exist? Can I find it?

Larry Crabb attempts to answer these questions, along with others, in his book Real Church.

An avid Church goer and faithful believer, Crabb takes a pragmatic view of what church looks like today and how he believes it should look. He analyzes the different ways that churches organize themselves and asks simple questions to see if they fit into the model of what he calls a "Real Church."

Looking at everything from prosperity gospel institutions to the Missional churches, Crabb makes an argument for the church that "should" be. Crabb focuses on the Church as an institution that Christ has given us to celebrate the Lord and "become holy like he is holy." Instead of this in current culture, Crabb see's current churches filling the role of self-help houses of worship...of self.

When I first dove into Real Church, I did not agree with Crabb's point of view for the book. I see so much disunity in the body of Christ in our current society. When a book comes in and, in a way, creates more disagreement between the members of the body of Christ, I get a little upset.

However, the book shows a man that is passionately pursuing truth in all areas, including the Church. Crabb makes a case for the Church that facilitates believers into "little Jesus'" and upon reflection of the book, I agree with him.

I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to step outside of "the Churched bubble" and take a sober look at the institution of Church. Anyone that is trying to figure out what Church means Biblically and where the Church stands today in accordance with that should look into this book.

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