Monday, July 6, 2009

I am currently reading about John MacArthur. What a curious man. On his Wikipedia page a substantial amount of content is devoted to his theological beliefs. I did not know what a lot of these things that were being discussed meant so thus some further exploration has ensued. I am looking up what ideas like dispensationalism, Free Grace Theory, and cessationism mean. In doing this and sifting through the lengthy dialogues and commentaries a few things have occured to me.

1. How little I know about the topics and ideas that are discussed within Biblical Christian orthodoxy.
2. What a privilege it is to have connection to all of this information.
3. How easy it is for churches and sects of people to split.
4. How theology can, in instances, detract from the truth of the Lord.

Point number 3 is one that I feel needs to be explored a little more in-depth. Tomorrow maybe.